The development consists of both town home and single family lots. Storm water routing and treatment were significant design consideration due to site constraints, local and federal government requirements. The downstream receiving waters for storm water from the development site are the Provo River and Deer Creek reservoir. These receiving waters are sensitive to pollutants and more particularly phosphorus. For this development project a series of two detention basins were designed to reduce concentrated storm water runoff flows and improve water quality. The upper detention basin acts as a sedimentation basin and is the first step in reducing concentrated runoff volumes and flows. The lower detention basin acts as a polishing basin for water quality. A filter media was proposed to be placed in the bottom of the basin to provide additional water quality treatment. The ACT Filter media was selected because of its ability to remove phosphorus, nitrogen, oil and grease from storm water.
The ACT-MX Filter material was instrumental in getting approval from the Bureau of Reclamation to discharge urban storm water into the Provo River. ES Filter has been very helpful in the design of the storm water treatment system for the development. They provided technical advice, background and recommendations during design and followed the project from design through construction.
—Steve Brenchley, Nolte Associates