Bio Retention

Bio Retention

Utelite expanded shale is providing new, consistent and cost effective options for managing storm water with low-maintenance solutions without the use of chemicals, specialized equipment or major facility upgrades.

Utelite Bio Retention System

Application: Storm Water Management

Installation instructions for a two part bio retention system commonly used in the intermountain region.

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Utelite Bio Retention Media – High Capacity

Application: Storm Water Management

Blending instructions for high capacity bio retention media consisting of expanded shale, sand and compost.

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Utelite Bio Retention Media – Low Capacity

Application: Storm Water Management

Blending instructions for low-capacity native soil based bio retention media.

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Utelite Drainage / Filter Media

Application: Storm Water Management

Instructions for use of expanded shale as a subsurface drainage or filter layer as part of bio retention system.

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Utelite expanded shale is extremely beneficial in Bio Retention Media for Bio-Swales, Rain Gardens, Filter Strips, Wetlands, Rain Basins and related storm water management applications.


  • Long-term, consistent results
  • Removes or reduces phosphorous, arsenic, metals, grease, oils and more
  • Combines nutrient removal and effluent filtration for cleaner discharge
  • Employs ion exchange to enhance treatment process
  • Removes TSS and soil material to prevent clogging
  • Longer service life
  • Economical, readily available and easy to use
